

If you've come by via  

Adventures of our Fami-Ly    
Vintage Chateau

WELCOME to {P3}  

Both of these darling blogs have awarded {P3} the Liebster Blog Award!!! 

Isn't that sweet?
If you haven't been to their blog space, please go and check them out.  Just click on their links above.
Scott and I are overwhelmed with gratitude for the praise, positive comments and project features that we have received in response to our new blog.  We couldn't be any happier with the results of this new venture! 


Feel free to stay and look around. We'd love for you to become a follower so you don’t miss any of the fun!

This award is meant to give a big SHOUT OUT to new up and coming blogs...blogs with fewer than 200 followers. This is a pay-it-forward type of award so now we will pass on the Liebster Love. Here’s what we're gonna do:

•Choose 5 up and coming blogs of fewer than 200 followers to award the Liebster to.
•Show our thanks to the blogger who gave us the award by linking back to them.
•Post the award on our blog.

We'll be searching around blogland for some inspiring, creative bloggers (we've met plenty lately!)...can't wait!  Once we've narrowed it down to just five, we will share them with you. 

Oh, it's going to be so difficult to pick just five!  

If you are interested, you can follow us on Facebook and Pinterest also...just look for the links on our left hand sidebar. 

Thanks again for stopping by!
Enjoy Your Projects,

Sherry & Scott

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