

Family Pride

I have a love affair with windows.  They let in the LIGHT.  Who wants to live in a cave?  Well, not this girl!  The only time I like it dark is when I'm watching a movie or sleeping...well...maybe one other thing...

...Uh I was saying...

I like to think of the windows in our home acting like a frame for our family.  A beautiful portrait of what life is like when we are able to share it with those we love.  Some of our family we are born with, and others we are privileged enough to choose.  Whichever way we become family, we are here to support each other, encourage one another, help each other up when we've fallen, and just be there through the good and bad.  (And I guess maybe stink up the bathroom...just saying.  You know who you are!)

We all can appreciate the need for family, right?  So, it goes without saying that with a strong, loving family comes Family Pride.  This is a good thing.  We all want to feel proud.  Proud of where we come from, proud of who we are.  Proud to say we are a FAMILY.  It helps us build each other up and root each other on throughout our lives.  That's so cool!

Can you imagine a life without either windows or family?  It's easy to forget how truly important both of these things are to us on a daily basis.  Yet they both add so much to our lives.  Our families love us, care for us and protect us.  They allow us to grow and and thrive in a world that is so big and impersonal at times.   Windows protect us from the wind, rain, heat and cold and yet they still allow in the light.  Leaving us protected but not feeling confined. 

I love Family Established signs.
And old windows.

The fact that we are able to combine the two into a welcoming sign ~ proclaiming pride in our family for all to see ~ makes me very happy.  It adds so much warmth to our homes!
Here is our newest sign.  I think it looks quite elegant in black.  I hope the family we've prepared this for finds much joy in viewing it each day.  We are finishing up our own family sign in soft green today as well.  Of course I'll have to share how it turns out when it's done!

Having a place to go - is a home. Having someone to love - is a family. Having both - is a blessing. ~Donna Hedges


  1. Hmmm.....that's funny, I always thought windows were invented so that I could peep through them during my house watching drives through the neighborhood.
    Seriously, though, this is a lovely post. It's so important to appreciate our families and homes!

    The sign turned out so nice, and even though it's not for your home, it goes great with the cottagey feel your home has.

    1. Ahhh, the neighborhood peeper! I thought I saw a face outside the window last! Isn't it fun getting that glimpse inside others homes, and seeing what they've done? Kind of like blogging, in a way. Thanks so much for stopping by today.

    2. HA! I usually do get caught! It's sad our former neighbors felt the need to build a privacy fence...

  2. I agree the sign turned out great and what a sweet post!!

  3. That is so sweet. I love how you have it hanging on the porch!

  4. Where have I been? I've missed a ton of your posts so.........I L U V the bench...that was a great transformation! I liked the second arrangement of plates like you preferred also. The sign I saw before when you made it as a gift for someone else and you said then that you were going to make one for your house. You did and it's so sweet! Yuu guys must be newlyweds 2009??? That was only 3 years ago. be that young but then I worked lots I don't have to...LOL! Great job Jones Family!!!!!!

  5. Wow this is really chic looking! I made something similar for Thanksgiving but I hung it inside instead of outside. Nice job.

  6. So cool! I love the idea, and the finished window is perfect for that space.

  7. Love the look of the finished window! I found you on Delightfully Inspiring and I'm now linky following you. I would appreciate it if you could do the same.

  8. Love it! Another great project, my friend <3 Thanks so much for linking up and sharing!
    "Kiss Me I'm Irish" linky party now open

  9. I love the sign! And I love how it is hung! Saw you on Chatty Chics :-) and I am now following along!


  10. I really really like this idea! Clever and original and sweet alternative to any other out door sign I have seen! Thank you SO much for the great inspiration and for linking up!!!
    Jaime from crafty scrappy happy

  11. Love this!! I'll be sharing it on my FB page in the next day or so!! :)

  12. First time visiting! I love that we are similar and have a "man behind the tools" lol Love this idea for old windows too. Thanks for the inspiration. I am always personalizing things. :)
