

It's Thursday but this should qualify for Wordless Wednesday!

Yeah, I don't have a multi-colored countertop...that's ALL of the morning coffee.  Hmmmm...
And NO, I did not resort to drinking wine (as seen in the background) but I can't say it wasn't tempting!  Lol.

But since it's obvious that I'm really NO GOOD at NO WORDS...

WTH???  I guess it's a mocha kind of day!!!

And, as if that wasn't enough:
 What does this picture say???
 But I won't be feeling sorry for myself on this gray, wet, wet, wet day.  Oh NO, NOT ME!

Because very recently this happened:

I reached over 2500 pageviews in one day???

I think that's cause for a celebration (even if probably half of the pageviews came from me  ;).  I have some ideas knocking around in the thinker about this...I'll tell you when one settles in for a stay.

I guess what's most important in all of this is that I want to say THANK YOU to all of you that find the time to stop by.  WE LOVE HAVING YOU HERE!!!  And little things like reaching 2500 pageviews really makes our day!  Regardless of the leaky, wet tendencies we are experiencing...


  1. Thanks for stopping by Sherry! Congrats on your many page views,definetly a celebrating moment.

    Following you back:)


  2. Woo Hoo! Congrats on the page views! I found you from the Linky Follower Hop and after browsing your awesome site am now following via linky follower. I hope you can stop by My Road to Savings!

  3. I woke up one morning (I think the day after thanksgiving) to my wife and mom staring at a similar coffee mess. They swore they put the filter in, but alas, none was to be found. I did notice a wayward filter there on the counter. :)

  4. Ohh I haven't done that in a long time. I might have thought about that wine bottle....
    Yay for you! Lots of page views! I'm following you too...
    You have a lovely blog!

  5. Spilled coffee in the morning = a very very bad day!! I'm following you now, thank for finding me! Your blog is great!

  6. Sorry about your day! Love the blog and following you back.

    XOXO Melysa

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog! The coffee picture made me laugh! I've had one too many days like that. I feel your frustration. Following you back!
    -Mackenzie @

  8. Whoo-hoo...that's fun :) Thanks for visitng and following...I'll follow too :) Laurel

  9. Congratulations! That is super! Following you back!

  10. Wow thats fantastic - well done guys - Awesomeness!!! I got sooooo excited when I had nearly 600 views on Wed. So excited for you xxx Nat

  11. Oh and P.S. - love your new page look
    xx Nat

  12. Hi Sherry! Thanks so much for following and introducing yourself :) Following you right back! xo K

  13. Sounds like a rough start to your morning! Found you via the Linky hop and have become your newest follower. Looking forward to reading your future posts. Hope you have a chance to visit and perhpas follow me back.

  14. Congratulations and WOW!
    I know I will be back to visit again soon.

  15. Oh, so sad about that was a big one too! I'd still think about that wine if I were just helps. But, on the GREAT side...congrats on your page views! That's amazing...not sure what it means but it's AMAZING!

  16. Congrats on the page views! That is so exciting!
