

Putting paintbrush to canvas...finally.

I've been suffering from painter's block.  For a VERY LONG TIME.

Not to confuse you ~ I don't have a problem slapping some paint onto an old chair, or spray painting a "roadkill rescue" endtable.  I love that stuff.  How could you go wrong?  You're taking something old and tired, or even better - free, and breathing new life into it.  That's not the type of painting that's been evading me.

Every now and then I'm able to pick up a pencil and sketch something.  Nothing extravagant...just something that has caught my eye.

But today I was determined to get out a canvas and paints and actually create some ART.  So I spent about an hour locating all of my painting supplies.  At least another hour went by with me staring at a blank canvas.  Just. Staring.  Blankly.  Finally I began sketching onto my canvas. 


 First the backgrounds...

 Next working on some of the details...

And tomorrow maybe I can do the finishing touches.

It still needs a lot of cleaning up.  More shadows, highlights and some "sharpening" of lines and details.  There are quite a few items that need to be tweaked until they're just right.


I painted today!!! 

Paints were squeezed into the indents of my lonely old pallet,
Colors were mixed and mingled,
Brushes caressed canvas,
Tears and laughter made an appearance,
An image took shape.

This canvas may not become a masterpiece.  It may never hang in anyone's home other than my own.  It's doubtful Museums will ever bid on it at Sothebys.

Do you see that cute little puppy in the picture?  That's our Sadie when she was just a couple of months old.  And that little boy?  That's my son, Alex, at the age of three.  He came home from a visit with his grandma to find he had a puppy waiting!  He would sit with his arm around her and tell her all kinds of things.  Things a little boy tells his best friend.  And, to top it off I was able to get past my fear of painting.   I dove in today...okay...I may have stood on the edge of the board a little too long and needed some coaxing from a friend, but I PAINTED. 

When it's done I'll post a picture of it hanging in our home...those museums will be so jealous!



  1. Sherry I had no idea you painted...and painted so well! Nice job and darling subjects! Hope to see some more of this!

  2. Woohoo!!!!! You are so lucky and blessed to have such an amazing talent. So proud of you hunni - looks awesome!!! xxx Nat

  3. starting with a subject you love is a great way to get past painter's block. Love it!

  4. Sherry I'm surprised! You're so talented! Keep it up!

  5. How long between your last painting and this one? I think the museums will be jealous! The reason I ask is my daughter took AP art in high school (class of 2002), I had a painting she did framed, and she hasn't painted since. What did it take to get you to go for it again? I'd love to kick her butt and get her to finish even a sketch, but no go for 10 years. Her talent is about equal to yours, but then I am a little prejudiced....

  6. This is beautiful! I love the expression on your doggie's face! So precious, to remind your of the days when your son would tell his secrets to his best friend :)

  7. I understand the creativity block. You battled through it beautifully. Thanks you for sharing your process and success at the Our Favorite Things Link party.
    Have a great weekend

  8. I understand the creativity block. I'm kind of in it right now. I went through a bad one around Thanksgiving last year. All my juices were all dried up. I am so happy yours is back, doesn't matter how long it took, just that you are back. I love your photo, it is so pretty, and love the expression of the Sadie's face and the look of love in your son Alex! So glad you shared your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – your creativity helped make the party a success!

  9. Wow! What fabulous talent you have! This will be such a treasure on your wall! Beautiful!

  10. Hi Sherry, I featured your posts in the Our Favorite Things Link Party for last week. Check it out:
    Have a great week and I hope you will link up again.
