

Summer's Bounty

I love summer and all that it brings.  Sunshine and BBQ's.  Water fights.  Laying in the pool on floaties.  Fresh produce and so much green!

Remember our little raised garden bed?  You can read about it's origins HERE.

Just a tiny little piece of real estate to contain a few vegetable plants and satisfy that need I felt to grow a garden.  I've been watering it faithfully and watching expectantly...
It has been fun watching it grow and expand.  We got a nice little crop of radishes early on and now we are waiting for some string beans, tomatoes, peppers (sweet and hot), zuchini, onions and carrots to mature!  I  could not keep my little lemon cucumber going unfortunately.  :(

It's really taken off lately...

The string beans could probably use another 4 or 5 feet of climbing net!  The tomatoes have filled in their little quarter section nicely, and the zuchini is ready to branch out and explore the surrounding  The kiddos and I munched on a couple of "baby" carrots today.  Yum.  :)

 And finally, I have caught glimpses of tiny little green tomatoes!  And I look forward to the day when I will be able to pull a big, sweet and juicy tomato from the vine and slice it for fresh-from-the-garden tomato sandwiches with fresh ground pepper.  I might even have to try some of the olive oil mayo on my fresh tomato sammy! 

I have a columnal apple flanking the door on the back deck...along with a fig on the opposite side.
Say HI to Sadie!!!

After years of babying this little lady, she has finally offered up her first apple.  Seriously.  It took years.  I was starting to worry that I would never see an apple from this sweet little tree.  Perhaps she doesn't like being confined to a pot so much...but here is my little prized beauty:

Do you think it will be sweet?

And, of course, we have plenty of baby figs!!!  What on earth will we do with figs???  Any great recipes or ideas for fresh figs that you want to share?  I would love to try them.  :)


  1. Holy smokes Sherry! That garden really did take off! It looks like a great success! I have a question about the apple tree....Do you take it in side in the cold weather? Does it get very big? Great post! You're making me wish I'd started a little garden spot this year!

  2. Hi Sherry, I do love your blog! Your little garden looks impressive - I'd be so excited about all that home grown food! I want to start a veggie garden but I'm what my niece likes to call 'black thumbed' as opposed to' green fingered' and so I seem to kill off an awful lot of poor unfortunate plants that come my way. I have successfully reared some strawberries in a hanging basket this year though and so the confidence I've gained from that may encourage me to start my own little veggie patch at some point.... We'll see. Anyway - as far as your fig conundrum goes... How about this ignore what he says about Italian and Greek figs - he's being a food snob! He also has a recipe for fig tart/pie too if the salad isn't your cup of tea. XxshellxX

  3. Ηey Sherry it's grown so much! It's really lovely!

  4. Sherry,
    Your garden looks amazing!You have been tending to it well.Enjoy all the fruits and veggies of your labor!

  5. Wow!!! You are going to have a huge harvest!! I have a tomato plant that has become a monster. Tomatoes still green. I have basil that is the monsters brother. I better get cooking!! Thanks for sharing Sherry! I love your back yard...

  6. Sherry, I have garden envy!!! And what a great first apple! Great pictures and post!

  7. I love your grow boxes, they look great! I think I might need to grow figs...that would be fun.

  8. Its so cute and looks like you will have great harvest just from the lil boxes.
