

Catching a Wave of Change

My boy looking out toward the sea and surf just over that grassy knoll.

I was looking for a quote...something that would inspire me to see things with a fresh perspective and with a heart filled with hope and possibility.  I am working on a fresh perspective.  I found the quote below by C.Joybell C ~ it is definitely speaking to me.
My life has been surrounded by uncertainty lately.  And I know I'm not the only one going through difficulty and change.  Our nation as a whole seems to be going through an identity crisis.  And I realize I am so blessed in my life ~ to have what I do have.  A loving family, true friends, a job, a home.  I'm very thankful for these blessings and so I try not to dwell on my own uncertainties.  What I have come to realize is that if there is something in my life that needs changing...I should take steps to change it.  That's scary for me.  I've been avoiding making big changes for fear of how it will affect my family.  I don't know what the right decisions are now.  I may make mistakes and have to start over.  What I do know is that the waves of change are defintely coming.  I've been a bystander for too long.  I need to affect a change.  It's time.  I can see the waves coming and this time I'm thinking I will jump in and ride them.  That seems like a better option than sitting back on the beach and just watching and waiting.  If this seems vague it's because I still don't know what direction I will be going...I may not know until I get there!
Here are a few photos from our weekend in Westport, WA with family:
I love this!  This wave is painted on a surf shop in Westport.

Surfboarding anyone?

How about some biking?  I was drawn to these rusty old bikes with weeds growing up amongst them.  They are just beautiful to me.

This one was parked at the Tinderbox Coffee shop.  Not sure if someone actually rode it there or if it was just a prop.  Either way it was adorable.

Another wonderful vignette at the Tinderbox.  This coffee house really has an amazing beach ambience.  I could definitely hang out here regularly.

My boy played around on a skim board for the first time.  He quickly picked up the intricacies of skimboarding.  There are some tricks to doing it well!  ;)

We went out on a charter boat trying to catch our limit of King Salmon.  Christopher caught one (the guy in the hoodie in the back) but all Alex caught was some seasickness.  Poor guy.  I'm so proud of him.  He didn't once complain about being sick the whole time and he continued to fish AND smile in between!  He's such a wonderful young man.

Vanessa at least caught a dogfish ~ which actually looks like a little shark.
Vanessa's Dogfish was hungry when it came out of the sea.  Ewwww.  Isn't that eyeball menacing looking!?

This was my view from the deck.  Very peaceful and soothing.  Not much happening.

This is the only fish I caught!!!  LOL.

 But I did get a lot of sunshine and caught some pretty good waves.
If you haven't been in the Pacific Ocean lately, it's COLD.  REALLY cold.  You go numb very quickly and then you don't notice anymore.  :)

Just a coupla beach bums!!

XX, Sherry


  1. That is a wonderful picture of you and Scott, Sherry. And the beach looks amazing. NO matter what you decide to do - you will be surrounded by love and support including from those far away. Big hugs and loads of love xxxx Nat

  2. Nat said it well. I love the quote above. Love the photos. REALLY LOVE THE PHOTOS! Beautiful post! You are two cute beach bums!

  3. What a beautiful post and beautiful pictures! Whatever changes you are making, you go girl! Change is always scary. You know the IC girls are here for you!

  4. Ryan doubts whether dogfish actually exist...I am going to direct him here and win a bet.
