

Inspiration Cafe Is Undergoing a Makeover!!


Yep, you read that right...

We are opening up a BRAND NEW and IMPROVED CAFE
...and we can't wait to have all of you come visit! 

We've got our GRAND OPENING coming SOON!!!

*A huge shout out to the talented Jana at Little Web Writing Hood!
Definitely worth a visit for stylish custom graphic design needs.
(blog packages, etsy shops, facebook headers, etc.)

Follow IC on Facebook to get all of our updates!

So this week we're sharing our Contributors' favorite posts from the past, while we get things all finished up at the New Inspiration Cafe. 

Finally, here's a peak at some of our personal favorites.  Just click each photo to be taken to the actual post.  Enjoy browsing...hey, feel free to spend some time checking out each of our Contributors and see what else we've been up to!

     Image Map

Don't forget to leave a comment saying you stopped by.
We're gearing up for Inspiration Cafe to be a much more open and interactive place, and we want to get to know each and every one of you. 
Have a wonderful week!  ;) 

Thanks for the visit and please, come back again!
The Ladies at Inspiration Cafe 


  1. Looks beautiful Sherry! Can't wait to see the new cafe!

    1. Thanks Mel! Can't wait for the Grand Opening!!!

  2. Looks like a fun place to be. See you there.
