

Are You Serious ~ Why is the scale in front of the fridge?

Recently I joined with a couple of ladies at the gym to form a workout team.   We'll call it group accountability. We're doing a lot of strength training that I wasn't accomplishing on my own.  A little bit of P90X type stuff thrown in.  For all of you DIY fans out there we will call it DIY for the body.

Each week I am seeing noticeable improvements in my strength and abilities.  It's pretty awesome actually.  And bonus, I get out of the house.  There is another added benefit of adult conversation involved.

But last week I couldn't make the Friday workout and I sort of implied I would do the exercises on my own at home over the weekend.  And I meant to...but I got kinda busy.  Yep.  Friday night I had a friend over to play cards and sit in the hot tub.  Fun times, right!?  Then Saturday and Sunday our son had a basketball tournament out of town and my sister came and stayed the night.   Of course we went for Mexican food and Margaritas with Sis.  It's our tradition.   

Pretty soon it was late Sunday night and I was exhausted from a busy weekend and honestly that workout never crossed my mind again.  

Until one of my workout buddies asked last night if I'd gotten my back and legs workout in?  Insert very stern look here.

Ummmm, nope.

And at first I laughed it off.  I mean, it's just one workout, right?  Just one.  Nobody's dying here.

But then I reminded myself that the reason I'd gotten so out of shape to begin with wasn't because I skipped one workout.  And it wasn't because I didn't have someone else checking up on me to make sure I stuck with it. It wasn't even because I don't have the knowledge I need to eat right and stay fit.  It's pretty simple really.

It's because there is ALWAYS an excuse.  Always.  And if I don't hold myself accountable, then I start offering more and more excuses of why I can't fit it in.   And that goes for eating right too.  I will always have stresses, or celebrations, or boredom to drive me to the fridge looking for that treat...

And as long as I am willing to accept those flimsy excuses instead of standing strong for what I really want...I'm not going to see a big change in my body.

So as a bit of a message to myself and my out-of-shape willpower, I moved the scale downstairs in front of the fridge.  And I put a little message to myself on the door for when I'm standing there telling myself that it's just a little snack.  Too bad I didn't have an extra full length mirror to E6000 to the front of the fridge!  That might make me stop and think twice about having ice cream at 10 p.m.  Ha!

Either that or I'd trip on the scale, fall and break something....

So, after I took some quick pictures of this setup, I sat down at the computer to edit them.  As I was editing the photos My Honey came home from the grocery store and went directly into the kitchen to put something in the fridge.  The next thing I heard was, 

"Hey Honey, is this a hint?"


***P.S.  Please note that this is meant to be humorous.  I am fully and completely aware that eating a healthy, low calorie diet and exercising is the best way to maintain a healthy body.  My intentions are never to shame myself or make out that I'm not worthy if I'm not my perfect self.  I don't think fad diets or miracle pills are necessary.  Adopting a healthy lifestyle is key.  But if you know of a pill that will work miracles...haha...hey, just saying! ;)

****P.P.S.  Amy and Shilo, you rock!  Thanks for letting me join in the workouts ladies!

*****P.P.P.S.  I first saw a scale in front of a fridge at my neighbors, Michelle.  Can't claim it as an original idea.  :)


  1. I keep my scale in the kitchen too, mostly because there isn't enough room for it in the bathroom! lol.

    I think that's a great way to keep yourself on the straight and narrow, and I think gluing a mirror to the refrigerator door might be something I need to do!!!

    1. PJ, I think my kitchen may be as small as my master bathroom. Not sure what the builder was thinking there but we do what we can with it! Hey, who needs stainless steel when you can have actual mirrored!

  2. Hehe, love it I think I need to do it! Good luck with your health plan

    1. Thanks Mel! Always trying to improve. If I could just stay away from carbs I'd be sooooo thin. ;)

  3. Brilliant! I'd probably just kick it aside though!! I'm so glad you are working on a healthy lifestyle and I'm hoping it inspires me!

    1. Seriously Danni, I'm more worried about tripping over it in our tiny little kitchen but it was worth it just to hear what Scott said when he went in there. Too funny. Of course he thought it was for him!

  4. I love it! My hubs would say the exact same thing if I did that! =)

    1. That was so funny! I never even thought about anyone else thinking it was for them. I had a very good chuckle over that one.

  5. I've lost 95 lbs in the past 15 months....205 to 110....size 22 to 4. You can do it!! If scales in front of the fridge works for you...then do it!! I feel and look 20 years younger!! Just wish I'd done it years ago!!

    1. Cathy I am so impressed! Nice work. You must be so proud!!! I have the workout routine down and now I'm just exercising my willpower. I got off track when life got a little stressful and it sure caught up with me quickly. I need to stop with the excuses and remember what I'm trying to achieve. This was meant to be funny but HEY, if it works it works!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Britni! It is causing a lot of laughs in our household!

  7. Awesome that you interjected humor into it. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to buy a scale. LOL

    1. Don't forget the full length would be a good maintenance tool as well. Once you get to your ideal body you would stop to admire yourself and forget to eat. Win win! ;)

  8. Thanks for the laugh! A mirror...they should invent that! A Mirror fridge :) lol

  9. I think it's a good idea. Really reminds you of your goals!

  10. Smart Idea... I may have to move mine into my pantry!

  11. That's such a cute idea!! I love it!!

  12. So funny & smart at the same time...I'm like Jamie. My pantry needs one...that's where the Oreos are. :)

  13. Sherry - Funny stuff! We keep the scale on my wife's side of the bedroom. That way, I can totally ignore it and she can dust it every now and then! It might be a good idea, but unless I'd start keeping potato chips and ginger snaps in the fridge, it might not work too well! Great post!

  14. You are so funny! Indeed the scale is a good reminder :)
    Have a wonderful week Sherry!

  15. HA! I love it- too super great! This is a great idea... seriously! I think I may just have to steal it! :)

  16. HaHa! i love this! very funny. Yeah why not put the scale near the ref?


  17. I think that's great!! Some days I need that! I came by the post and realized I was smart I was already following you. I just hadn't read this post yet!
