
4/18/13's Curated Collection of DIY Decorating For Less

Guess What?

I'm being featured on Looksi Square today!

Yep, my sweet friend Julie of Redhead Can Decorate has her Curated Collection up today and it is all about DIY Decorating For Less.  So I'm among some pretty talented DIY company.

(Just click I will take you there)

Here are just a few examples of what you will see there:

Julie, has done a beautiful job compiling her favorite DIY Decorating Projects on Looksi!  Hope you can go by and see what she's sharing.
And don't forget to come back here on Tuesday because Julie will be visiting here and sharing  DIY Decorating projects she has done in her own home.  She's a talented gal, that Redhead!

And there's more. Miss Julie has a lot of exciting things going on right now but you will have to come by and see her here on Tuesday to find out!  
  I'm excited for her!

Thanks for stopping by today :)

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