

DIY Mini Terrarium ~ Beach Inspired with Air Plant (Tillandsia)

I saw an article about Artemisia, a DIY Terrarium Store in Portland, Oregon, and I could barely wait to go check it out for myself.  My sister and I were able to go about a week ago and it was AMAZING!
I will share pictures of the store and all the treasures they have to offer later but I wanted to show you the mini terrarium I was inspired to make after visiting Artemisia.

I picked up this tiny little Air Plant.  It's also known as Tillandsia or Tilly.  They don't require dirt of any kind and only need to be dunked in water about once every two weeks.  If you are in the Portland area you can visit Artemisia for Air Plants and other Terrarium products.  Amy at Artemisia was the sweetest, most helpful she could be!  For more info and care of Air Plants or to order your own online check out Airplantcity.

I love plants and nature but I'm not the most vigilant about watering, soooo, a plant that requires minimal care is definitely a plus around my house.  And one that only needs water every other week?  NICE!

I was preparing to meet one of my wonderful blog friends for the first time, and I knew she loves the beach, so I decided to throw together this mini beach terrarium with the little air plant and a few other things:
  • CLEAN SAND ~ no salty beach sand allowed...the plant would not appreciate the salt
  • VIBRANT BLUE MOSS ~ This piece I picked up at Artemisia 
  • DRIFTWOOD ~ from my beach stash 
  • SHELL ~ also from my beach stash
  • JEWELS ~ I bought a bag of 'itty bitty bling' at Artemisia
  • MINI GLASS TERRARIUM ~ is actually a stemless wine goblet I stole from my personal collection (one can never have too many wine goblets!)

I put a decent amount of sand into the goblet and added the air plant...tucking it's long root into the sand to hold it in place.  Then I just placed the other beachy components randomly wherever I thought they looked good. That's the fun part of making a get to play with the pieces and make it exactly like you want it.  Then if you change your mind you can move things around again...

Sounds like my kind of hobby :)

I couldn't resist adding the 'itty bitty bling' jewels.  Everybody needs a bit of bling, right!?

Then I tucked it into one of my Farmers' Market Baskets with some raffia and another little surprise...

The silver starfish is actually a magnetic brooch ~ you don't have to poke holes in your clothing.  So smart.

I rushed off to meet my friend Meegan of What Meegan Makes for the first time with my little gift in hand.  I was so excited to meet her I locked my darn keys in my car and was forced to pay an exorbitant amount of money to get them sprung free.  She was worth it!  We had the best time together; laughing and sharing stories and talking about everything blogging.  Good Times!  I was so happy to see her delighted with her little beach terrarium.  Is it any surprise that she came carrying a gift for me as well?  Please go say HI to her at WhatMeeganMakes and tell her I sent ya!  I think you'll love her just as much as I do.  :)

Meegan in pink and me in black and white.  Love her!  

What a great day (even if I did get robbed by a greasy locksmith who was bent on taking advantage of my desperate situation.  Jerk!)

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  1. I am so jealous! Of both of you- getting to meet each other. You both are awesome! Love the project (great gift-I want one) and you girls are gorgeous! Have a great weekend Sherry!

  2. That's awesome! The terrarium...and the greasy locksmith! lol This would totally do good here...where it's so hot and dry! Thanks for sharing...and stopping by my place! ~Tammy

  3. Oh how cute! I love this idea. Have a great weekend.

  4. Adorable!! The project and the great pic of you two!!

  5. I love the miniature island/beach! And how fun to get to meet a fellow blogger! Glad y'all had so much fun together.

  6. Sherry - the beach is my very favorite place so I just LOVE this. What a beautiful photo of you and Meegan! Can't wait to meet her. :) Oh, for the old days when we could open our car door with a coat hanger! Thanks for sharing this precious project and pinning! Happy Sunday!

  7. So cute! I love the beach theme! Hugs, Leena

  8. Big sister mode...I want to beat that guy up. Grrrr. On a happy note...glad you had a great lunch! Meegan is one of the sweetest (genuinely) bloggers I know! (Besides you) :)

  9. Featuring you on Thursday from last week's party. Thanks for joining us for Pinworthy Projects.

    1. Thanks Carrie! I'm thrilled to be featured by you! I'll definitely come by and say HI. Have a great day :)

  10. This is so cute. I made one a year or two ago with just sand and air plants, and it looked a little boring and empty with just the plants in there. I love the extra touches that you gave yours - it's perfect! I might have to try this again!

  11. Thanks so much for sharing this at the Say G'day Saturday link up! I have pinned this, shared it on twitter and facebook and featured it at this week's party.

    Hope you can join in again this weekend!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  12. I love the terrarium, especially the blue moss. Beautiful!

  13. Two of my very favorite blogging buddies right there!! Love you girls. And love the terrarium, Sherry! That totally looks like it will be perfect with Meegan's decor!!

  14. So cute Sherry! I made a beachy terrarium this last week! So fun!

  15. Going to add more beach theme air plants to my site. Nice Looking Inspired with Air Plant theme there. We have some at and

    Look around find more ideas for your choose.
