
Our Story

Welcome to Pondered Primed Perfected

I'm Sherry and this is my handy hubby, Scott.  We have two sweet kids, a dog and a mortgage.  We live in the gorgeous, green Pacific Northwest.  (Yes, it's green because it rains a lot here).  Scott coaches, I teach, and in between all that daily stuff, we like to be creative.

P3 is where I get to entertain all of my creative ponderings and (if I'm lucky) Scott helps me accomplish some pretty cool projects

We would love for you to follow along with us for some DIY, budget decorating, home improvement, crafting, and some occasional cooking. We've thrown it all together with some laughter and inspirational mean stuff.  Just like our real lives :)

In reality nothing is perfect, but we believe there is always room for improving. 

Join us on our never-ending journey...

Thank you for visiting!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this "About" section. It reminds me of starting out with a new home and a baby. Beautiful photos! Savor every moment. Now our baby is in college and we're getting ready to sell the house. Life is always good, eh? Great blog. Cathy
