

Cabinet Door Makeovers at P3

As I was creating an updated Project Gallery, I noticed how many cabinet door makeovers I've finished.   I thought I would pull them all together here in one post and let you take a look.  I have some ideas for a few more...I'll add them when they are done.

My Handyman scored a stack of these unfinished doors at a cabinet shop that was shutting it's doors for good.  We got these doors for about 30 cents a piece.  Great price for a DIY project, if you ask me!

Click on the photos below to be taken directly to each post:

Time Zone Wall Art

Decorative Serving Tray

Rustic Chalkboard with Family Name

Cheese and Wine Pairing Tray
Hot Chocolate Station & Tray Tutorial

Weekly Menu & Shopping List Chalkboard

And if you haven't stopped by Inspiration Cafe today you should go meet our Guest Poster, Marci from Stone Cottage Adventures.  She's sharing some pretty and very unique jewelry making techniques.

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  1. Awesome...every one! That is why you are the DIY girl!! .30 a score!

  2. That hot chocolate station is too cool! Totally up my alley (despite it being 100 degrees outside). =)

    Stopping over from So you Think You're Crafty.
