

Our Mini Garden Improvements

So far so good with our mini raised garden bed.  

Scott decided to add some edging bricks we had stacked behind the shed. They should keep the gravel contained and they really finish the little area off quite nicely.

The kids like to walk along that edge too, of course! Who wouldn't?

 Everything is growing quickly now.
Carrots, radishes and green onions have sprouted up!
The mild sun and regular spring showers are really helping it along.

 Found a place to hang our cute new bird feeder.

This treasure was found at the thrift store for a few dollars.

I added some wild bird seed ~ I'm excited to see what bird visitors we get here!


  1. Very nice! That garden is growing quickly!

  2. WOW! You have a very beautiful home! One of my dream house in the future is to have a garden in front of it. Wish to live in a place like that. Your blog is so gorgeous and inspiring. :)

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